The easiest way to do this is to assemble the reference to a range or cell in another workbook as a text value, then use the INDIRECT function to convert the text to an actual reference. I use a very useful add-in, FINDLINK, to find the locations of external links. In this example, the goal is to create a reference to an external workbook with variable information. It might be a reference in a Cell, which is not hard to find, or in a Chart, which might be (I am actually having trouble in one such case). xl (an extension of the other workbooks or external links is.
Click on Options on the below right-hand side of the dialog box. Press Ctrl + F, and a dialog box appears of Find and Replace.
#How to find external links in excel that workbook how to
Read this post to know how to fix Excel found a problem with one. We have our workbook Report, and we need to find external links in this Excel workbook.
Unfortunately, Excel has no native way of finding what is linking to the sources ( official documentation states: " There is no automatic way to find external references (also called links) that are used in a destination workbook."). Create a link to another worksheetSelect the cell or cells where you want to create the external reference.Type (equal sign). You receive the error Excel found a problem with one or more formula references in this worksheet while saving the Excel workbook. Go to Data -> Edit Links (in the Connections group).